Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Special post for special one!

3 October. Special birthday post to you.

Dear Georgina,
There's a sapo changed 19th today woots. Nothing to say (So close le say so much damn disgusting xD) But HAPPY BIRTHDAY la sapo! 
Time pass super fast,simply count xia,we know each others 7 years le,3 more years then 10 years woots gonna celebrate our 10th anniversary haha. Anyway thanks and love yeh babe! Thanks for being my best sister for 7 years and we gonna be best sister for another ten,hundred,thousand,million 7 years again :) Thanks God let we met each others when Form 1,and Bless our friendship for 7 years,I trust HE will Bless our friendship forever. Thanks for being my ears when I need,thanks for wasting your time listen to me loso everything,thanks for make me cheers when I am down,thanks for always stand by my side,thanks for always help me scold those people who make me 'bu shuang',thanks for everything and everything.
Seriously miss those time we spend together,those stupid but crazy memorise,will never forget it. Sorry I cant celebrate your birthday with you,but please do remember that I always inside your heart even though you not really want it hahaha. Do remember,you always love me and I always love you too. Miss ya,4 months will pass very fast,we will meet up very soon :)
Girl,enjoy your birthday yeh!!

-Friendship is not something that is written on a paper,because paper can be torn. It is neither something that can be written on a rock,for even a rock can break. But t is written on the heart of the person,and its stay there forever. As you celebrate your day,I celebrate the beautiful friendship we share! Happy 19th Birthday,dearest sister :) 

Your best sister in this world,

P/s-Check my music playlist,the song's name!

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